00 07/06/2017 16:07

The most recent project team to kick into full production is now working on a particularly large Campaign Pack DLC for one of our more recent historical releases. It’s an expansion we’ve been wanting to do for a while now, so very happy that we’ve been able to get it into the schedule for later in the year.

At the moment, this team is building art content and working on the update for the main game needed to accommodate the new expansion. We will certainly be sharing more details when we can.


Development on the next major historical release continues apace, with the team focusing on some fantastic UI and environmental work recently to capture the mood of this unique setting, that we’ve yet to explore in any previous Total War game.

Other areas that are progressing nicely are the important character relations that occur between the major personalities in the game. Now the designers can start modelling the various interactions and gameplay impacts the proposed features will have. Elsewhere, the campaign map is starting to come together in some new and visually exciting ways. Obviously, it will help set the tone and immersion for the whole game, and the artists have done an incredible job in realising the style we’re going for.


We’re pleased to say that our plans for a new stand-alone title have come to fruition, and this team are now in full production on an exciting new release. We are planning to set this in an era we have already visited, but will cover a particular period we are very fond of and haven’t done enough justice to yet.

We’ve been thinking a lot about how our major releases cover eras, our character-based follow-ups span the events of iconic lives (like Napoleon, or Attila), but that we are also interested in flashpoint moments. Those shorter, intense periods where events could have unfolded in any direction, dramatically changing the course of history in only a handful of months or years.

‘Fall of the Samurai’ being based on the Boshin War is a great example of this, and we are planning this new title to be similar in intent. It will also arrive before the next major historical title that the team above are working on.
[Modificato da Poitiers 07/06/2017 16:07]