00 16/01/2014 22:23
Comincio con alcune preview dell'imminente 0.7:
-Tribù Iberiche
-Revamp dei generali traci e greci
-Piccolo revamp dei Tolomei
-Regni del Bosforo
Per quanto riguarda una delle feture della 0.8:

In 0.8 DeI will have proper Reforms for ALL factions (so also Rome) and so you will advance from Camillan to Polybian etc.

However we will do Reforms properly and not tied to technologies (similar to how EB did it) and every "step" will let you feel how things changed in the way the troops "advanced" in a different stage (for example for Romans you will feel that they became more "aggressive" during Polybian/Marian to then change to much more defensive-minded during Imperial times).

Reforms will dramatically change the feel of DeI and the "confusion" with troops right now will be removed (the confusion stems from the fact that as it is now there's no real motive why certain troops in a faction seems to behave in a certain way and some in another; this is because certain units are Reform ones but since there are no reforms in the engine they are mixed; technologies simply cannot simulate proper Reforms).

Since we are near the coming of 0.7 I can start to anticipate what 0.8 will be about. DeI will be the first mod to have proper Reforms for all factions and it will be a wonderful experience, I assure you of this

Con il rilascio del Dev Kit in beta, le possibilità sicuramente aumenteranno.
[Modificato da Aragorn(89) 16/01/2014 22:28]